The application is used to process the data from documents(invoices) for expenses related to rental...
The application is used to process the data from documents(invoices) for expenses related to rental properties. Data from expense invoices - are entered and edited for the properties. The following data is entered from each invoice: short name; the date (when the invoice was issued); the value of price (money) and indicator. The list of indicators( categories) serves to calculate (sum up) the values from the invoices in more aggregated data. The values of many invoices related to one indicator will form the sum of the cost of that indicator. The indicators can be from a given tax system, in the sample application database they are from Form 1040 - Supplemental Income and Loss - Canada. These include the following indicators: from section 5 to 19. In the sample list, other indicators may be introduced as options or replace existing ones according to the tax needs of other countries or specific user needs. The main purpose of the application is: - maintenance of the above-mentioned invoice data; - aggregation by indicators of invoice data (result data) from date to date; - and forecasting (predicting) costs for a separate indicator or for all indicators; - maintaining the list of indicators and a list of template names for the formation of invoice names. The results data can be used in determining the tax on rental properties. Lets be clear: the app does not determine taxes, it provides input data that can be used to determine taxes related to rental properties. Forecast data can be used for budgeting. The forecast is one step ahead (not tied to an exact date) in terms of expenses price (money). The home screen of the app(Property Activity) serves to maintain the list of properties. From the home screen , after selecting a property and push the button Edit invoices, maintenance of the list of invoices is enabled – InvoicesListActivity. Aggregate data calculation for all properties is enabled from the home screen with a menu item - Calculate or from the toolbar button with a red dot image. Aggregate data calculation for particular property is enabled from InvoicesListActivity as the same way. Before the calculation starts, a prompt appears that two dates must be selected - start and end, invoices with a date between them will be included in the resulting data. Data forecasting for all properties is enabled from a menu item on the home screen. Data forecasting for a particular property is enabled from a menu item on the invoice maintenance screen. The application offers: "Time series" - displays graphics and data time series( of the money of invoices), "Autocorrelation" - displays graphics and data of the autocorrelation of the same time series, "Simple exp. smoothing "- displays graphics and data of simple exponentially predicting ," Simple moving average"- displays graphics and data of simple movement of average," Linear exp. Smoothing "- displays graphics and data of linear exponential prediction, "Holts Linear exp. smoothing "- displays graphics and data Holts linear exponentially prediction and “Additive damped trend” - displays graphics and data of additive damped trend. Detailed information on all these statistics can be found on the Internet. We will only mention that autocorrelation shows cyclicity in the data. Finally, note that the result data can be exported with a function Export data for print enabled from the menu item where it is displayed as a text file in a selected file directory localy – from activity SaveDB/Save file. With the app, you can create folders where you can archive the result data.Unfortunately, the police of Gogoole Play do not allow such data to be stored except in the so-called photos and media on your divaice. The developers have found in practice that in the folder Download you can create subdirectories and store files, in many other places it is forbidden. The app stores the data for invoices of a properties in a database of type Sqlit named propertiesEnterprise.db.